Hewn Shop

Sharpening Kit 1: Straight Knives


This kit has everything you need to sharpen straight knives. That includes kitchen knives and slojd knives such as the mora 106. I think you’d struggle to get a kit as good as this for the same price elsewhere. May your knives always be razor sharp from now on.

The Kit

  • Missarka blue, sintered, two-sided stone; F400 grit and F1200 grit (JIS equivalent 1200 and 4000 grit - ‘see additional info’). I’ve been searching for the right stone for my kits for a long time. This is a high quality stone. It’s just coarse enough for really blunt blades and it’s fine enough to achieve a very sharp edge. The stone needs to be soaked but I have found that this one doesn’t need as much soaking as other stones I’ve used, just a few minutes emersion.

  • Non-slip mat

  • Stropping paddle (leather)

  • Honing compound

Online Classes

If you’d like to participate in my online sharpening class, Sharpening Skills 1, this is the kit you will need. To see the available times and book, go to the bookings page. Please leave enough time for kit to reach you. I’d recommend ordering at least a week in advance of the class if you’re based in Ireland or Northern Ireland. Leave at least three weeks for postage to the US. If your kit doesn’t arrive in time, we can always reschedule.

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Additional Info

A note on Grits

The term grit refers to the relative coarseness of the stone: The higher the number, finer the stone. There’s more than one standard for reporting the grit of various abrasives so it’s easy to get confused. These stones are made in Germany so the grit is reported using the FEPA (Fédération Européenne des Fabricants de Produits Abrasifs) standard, denoted by an F before the grit number. The Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) is more commonly used for water stones since many of these are produced in Japan. That is why I have provided the equivalent JIS grit as well.